Saturday, 16 November 2019


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'So, things went from bad to worse?'
'I'm afraid so. Buildings were laboriously and often poorly constructed by hand. They had now lost all their skills and abilities to use the power of sound. Lifespans grew shorter and a frenetic urgency evolved in the species to breed more.'
'They had lost their spiritual connection with sex?'
'Sexual pleasure was purely physical and caused more confusion amongst couples than delight, more sorrow than joy. The pleasure of it became entangled with mixed messages of dominance, possessiveness, inadequacy, suspicion, guilt and fear. And, of course, some of the more power-hungry religions, especially the celibate ones, used abstinence from sex as another form of control, threatening their subjects with punishment or deprivation of the ultimate reward of heaven.'
'All this because of a thoughtless, stupid reaction. All this because of a bad choice. We walked out of Paradise and chose to create a living hell for ourselves.  How could we have been so blind?  How could we have possibly done this to ourselves? Was it some kind of endemic dysfunction, some form of mass insanity?'
'Good question. Indeed, it could be argued that the Fall was based on an unconscious choice to enable your Atlantean ancestors to live in denser bodies, a totally new experience. That is, indeed, quite plausible. Who knows? However, they failed to realise that the denser they got, the more alienated they became from their true source. You see, before the Fall, you all lived for one another. After the Fall it was every man for himself. '
'And the devil take the hindmost.'
'Speak of the devil. Have you ever heard of the Archons?'
'No. I don't believe I have.'
'They are lower frequency ET's that have exploited your vulnerabilities in Atlantis. These unfortunate, formless entities are deserving of pity, yes, albeit not support. Our hearts go out to all life-forms, in particular to those who believe they need to feed off others' energy rather than directly from source energy itself. The Archons are lost souls, energy vampires, and need to be re-directed to source energy.  Unfortunately, they haven't made it easier for you people to awaken.'
'How have these Archons made things more difficult for us? '
'They are attracted to frequencies in the lower vibrational sphere. Human, fear-based responses associated with the false self, such as greed or fear, for example, provide the type of energy from which they feed and by doing so, fortify the ego and the ego's greed for a more intensive interface with the explicate order, the holographic, illusory, outer world of change and illusion. Your history of mass murder, cruelty, fear, and the exploitation of one another, has provided a field-day for the Archons over the last few thousand years.'
'But we were led by dysfunctional individuals, emperors, kings, queens, tyrants, psychopaths, all of whom had total control.  Life was short and brutal for so many of us. Now we have democracy in Atlantis. People can vote for their leaders. Most of us can read and write. At least we can say that we are making some progress, can't we? Things are far, far better for the population at large than they used to be, better than ever in our history.'
'True, but why then do you foolishly allow a tiny percentage of your vast population to control your wealth and the welfare of society at large? Millions of your people are still hungry, displaced, deprived, or spend most of their precious lives either imprisoned as bill-paying wage-slaves or consuming mind-numbing entertainment or commodities.  As well as that, you seem to be in a state of perpetual war. Arms factories keep pumping out more and more weapons every day. Atlanteans continue to neglect their health and pollute the planet at large. Your food and water is poisoned and the prisons and hospitals are full to bursting point. Why?'

'You paint a very bleak picture, Zol. We're not all bad, you know. We have Government welfare as well as thousands of charities, for example, which do great work to create better conditions for people who are caught up in these conflicts or are deprived of their rights or have fallen by the wayside.'
'Why are charities still necessary in your society? Why is there still hunger, poverty, injustice and deprivation in the world? Have you seriously asked yourself that question? When you go to the polling booths to elect your government, are these questions foremost in your mind?'
'What can our local politicians do? Such matters are out of their control.'
'They could start by closing the weapons factories and the industries that support them. They could stop creating wars.'
'It'll never happen, Zol. There's too much money involved. Too many vested interests. No, it will never happen. Not in my lifetime, anyway.'
'Why not? Are you suggesting the will is not there? Or the wherewithal? Or are you saying it is not within the capacity of the United Nations of Atlantis, in collaboration with other allied nations around the world, to prevent millions of their fellow species from suffering a painful and unnecessary death as a result of conflict, hunger or curable diseases?'
'Yes, I have to concede, Zol. The will is not there. As regards arms control, there's only so much the QSA can do in its capacity as an advisory body and inspectorate. Our hands are tied.'
'Our ancestors wanted to help you, Jordan. But there was little we could do. We were not welcome. You ridiculed us as idealists and dreamers. Our off-planet neighbours will not help you either, as they do not trust you. They felt, and still feel, that you have abused your gifts and the gift of life. You have also fouled your nest. In any case, they cannot act in breach of the Prime Directive. Not without invitation.'                                               

# 26 next week! Catch up on:            

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