Phew. This guy would never get into a book launch back home. On the other hand, he may be just the kind of critic we need.
Forgetting, of course, to edit my thoughts again, I imagined a bunch of people I know at home who would be delighted to hear this stuff. People who never read a poem after school, rarely if ever opened a book or went to the theatre, thought opera was laughable, saw all modern art as a waste of space and dismissed contemporary classical music, or noise, as they might call it, as a confidence trick.
'I did say transcend art, not descend below it!' quipped Xendo.
'Just kick me the next time you catch me losing the run of my thoughts without an edit, will you? But tell me, you may have no art here, as we know it, what about the children in Lemuria? Don't they need to express themselves? Don't they dabble with crayons or whatever? Didn't you draw and paint when you were a child, Solari? '
'Of course, I did, Baby! But first, please excuse my beloved Xendo's passionate response which was perhaps a little hypercritical of your culture. I think his frustration relates more to a kind of speciesism in your society. I myself would prefer not to make any comment at all. But in his defence, most of our friends in the Confederation are led to believe, from your literature, at least, that humans are the only species on the planet. In the Galaxy, even! And, oh, how you all take yourselves and your art so terribly seriously!'
They laughed.
'Well, we do have science-fiction. I suppose we can at least imagine other species. But literature is supposed to reflect life on Earth, Solari, our lives, as humans. We just don't know what it's like to be a lizard or a crow.'
'Exactly!' confirmed Xendo, looking away.
Is he sulking, I thought?
'No, I'm not sulking!' laughed Xendo. 'Just winding you up!'
'Sulking is such quaint behaviour,' remarked Solari. 'Do you sulk, Jordan?'
'Only if I know it will get me some attention. But I can see it's not going to get me anywhere in Lemuria!'
'You won't need to sulk in Lemuria, Baby. Getting back to your question about children's art, in the first four or five years of our lives, we still retain memories of our previous lives. Our art reflects that. Children's art everywhere in the world can be beautifully surreal in any case, but with us, it's an actual dream-like depiction of scenes from our other lives.'
'Wow! Do you have anything lying around that you're not keeping? Is there anything I can take home with me as a souvenir?'
'You mean my stuff when I was a kid?'
'Ideally, yes! That would be so nice!'
'Jordan, Baby,' she answered sweetly. 'You forget. That was a hundred and sixty-three years ago.'
Xendo laughed.
'Even if it were last week,' he said, 'it would have been recycled by now. We don't hold onto to these things as you do, your artists, your strange paintings with their signatures and price-tags, your bestsellers and their authors and first editions and autographs, your awards and your prizes, your celebrities, the cult of the individual. Competition. It's just another industry. In Lemuria, all things come from source energy and are returned to source energy.'
'Of course, ' I answered, bereft of anything left to say about it.
'This hologram here, Jordan,' Xendo proceeded, 'the hologram we're looking at now, is what you might call a highlight reel, as you may have already gathered. All of these events and shifts in our history would have taken place over a very, very long time in our history. While we were still in the water, by the way, and before we began to materialise as dolphins, we actually built crystal cities and cities with arches, columns and domes of white marble under the sea.'
'Wow! Are they still there?'
'Don't forget; you people have explored only a very small percentage of the ocean bed. You'll probably discover evidence of ancient intelligent life in outer space before you find anything on the seabed!'
'You will remember this moment when you retUrn, Baby, or when you die, as you call it. The highlight reel. You will see a highlight reel of all you have been, your life, all your thoughts. Everything. Nothing is lost.'
'Wow. But why? I mean, what's the point in looking at your life all over again?'
'That's such a good question, Baby. I'll hand you over to Xendo who will have the pleasure of answering it!'
'Very funny, Solari!' he commented. 'She hasn't changed a bit, you know, ever since she was seventy-two years old! That's when we first met, by the way.'
'Come on, Xendo!' she teased him. 'We're waiting! You're the one who knows all the answers!'
'She knows very well, Jordan, that there is no answer to your question. The only reason we know about the highlight reel when you return is from the NDE's we've recorded holographically. And, of course, from the knowledge received from our ancestors who have already transitioned. But each event, each retUrn, is unique. The best answer I can give you is that, just as we like to see the highlights of Lemuria here in the Museum, we choose to see the highlights of our own lives when we retUrn! Curiosity! Simple as that! Although the latter is also meant to be a salutary lesson to enable us to judge our own actions or lack of actions in our lifetime and plan the next one!'
'We judge our actions?'
'We are the sole authority of our own being. We are the judge and the jury, so to speak, of our own actions and inactions. Every moment, every thought is recorded for us to assess or evaluate. If we hurt someone, even in the slightest way possible, we get to feel that hurt. We often return to Earth to experience it. Likewise, we are presented with the tiny moments of beauty and of love in our lifetime. Our subsequent incarnation is based on our assessment of the lifetime highlights. That is how we understand what happens when we retUrn.'
'When we were young, Jordan,' said Solari, 'they advised us to enjoy the present moment here on Earth and not concern ourselves too much with what happens when we retUrn. They said that in our high-vibrational state after transition, we might even miss things we encounter here in this denser experience of ours on Earth. I have spoken to ancestors who miss the sensation of touch, for example. Although 'miss' is not an accurate word here; there is no lack of any kind when we retUrn.'
Solari stroked my cheek.
'Touch. It seems to be quite unique here on Earth,' she whispered seductively.
'Even though,' Xendo added, 'as you probably know already, we never really touch. And I don't necessarily mean because we are illusory. I refer to the fact that all of our experiences of life and of one another are inside our brains and our bodies.'
'Yes, I remember coming across that in physics class. Atoms that repel one another, am I right?'
'Yes. The electrons at the surface of the touching bodies repel one another and we perceive this as a sensation of touch. So we never really touch.'
'We never really anything!' Solari argued. 'But touch is so delightful! Let's not spoil it with the truth! And let's not spoil the future either by speculating on what might happen when we retUrn. Is it not enough to know that we retUrn to our natural state of joy?'
I asked them to tell me more about the dolphins.
'They have never forgotten who they are', Solari told me. 'They live in joy and wholeness. We can connect with them by toning, visualisation, and swimming with them. The dolphins have never lost connection with source energy. Some of them came with us from Sirius; we all arrived here together in a light ship. Then, as we Lemurians became denser, we began to lose this connection with source energy, but the dolphins themselves still hold the frequency. Dolphins have a very deep understanding of how to move in a light and organic way among all levels of wholeness.'
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