Saturday, 26 October 2019


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Zol went on to tell me that young Lemurians like Xendo and Solari would visit the Temple in the same way as the young people in Atlantis would go out clubbing. The bonding, the sexual energy, was much deeper, much more creative, and was felt more sensually when shared spiritually in the Temple.
'Here in Lemuria,' he said, 'one does not try to be good. If you say, 'I must be more spiritual', you are a slave to your ego. Life doesn't work like that. There are no social obligations in Nature. Even when you say, 'I love you', to your partner, you devalue that love because real love has nothing to do with the 'I'.   Yes, I can anticipate your question; your people need to be reassured, don't they? But when your source of expression is real love, there is no self; when your source of expression is self, there is no real love. Matter and mind are one; the body is a product of the mind.  Physical pleasure is a spiritual pastime.'
'Does it make it easier to merge spiritually when there is less of an obvious distinction between the sexes?'
'The fact that we Lemurians are not polarised beings is reflected in our sexuality; there's much more to being human than we think. We children remain undifferentiated until puberty. As lives are longer here, the innate need to procreate rapidly is not an issue. Individual souls have a choice to be male or female at that period of their development. Later on in life, they can also change sex if they so wish, or if they regard it as a preferential mode of self-expression. Naturally, they would also change their names to reflect this biological and spiritual shift.'
It struck me how incredibly evolved the Lemurians had become. Back home, people would still be shocked and frightened at the idea of being able to choose their sex, even though they may pretend to be open-minded about it.
'At the moment of ecstatic union between male and female, one may make a wish. It is the most enhanced and favourable moment for a wish or intention. Also, the energy of that union will be fed into the Grid which can be used for healing.'
'Talk about multi-tasking!'
'The true purpose of the sexual union,' he continued, 'is to achieve a higher state of consciousness.  Attraction, as you may know, is about vibration. Couples of similar vibrational frequencies are attracted to one another. In sexual union, the vortices of energy generated by the lower chakras rush upwards through the heart chakra to the higher chakras and up through the crown, so that the two light bodies merge together in ecstatic union, creating a powerful energy field in which there is total surrender to the Wholeness.'
'Phew! That does sound ecstatic!'
I asked Zol about marriage in Lemuria.
'In the Temple, you celebrate a life-long spiritual union of unconditional love.'
'Life-long union sounds familiar! But as you probably know, most of our expensive weddings in Atlantis end up in expensive divorces! Is there no divorce here?'
'In a partnership based on unconditional love, you may, indeed, be 'unfaithful', as you call it in your culture. But there is abundance in the union.  Abundance means doing whatever you need to do when you need to do it.  Of course, you remain in alignment with your higher self and fully aware of the Prime Directive, so hurting or harming others is unthinkable. After all, when you hurt others, you hurt yourself; everybody in Lemuria knows this intuitively.  Without even thinking about it, we know that we are all interconnected. So the very thought of divorce is impossible. It makes no sense. Jealousy, possessiveness, betrayal, these are terms that do not exist here. Love is unconditional.'
'So you can have an affair?'
'Human beings are naturally curious, so why not?  We may also enjoy the sensation of being close to someone else other than our spouse. The term 'affair' for you implies dishonesty, jealousy, deceit, betrayal. These negative terms relate to the false self, to possession. They have nothing to do with love.  If a married person has a sexual union with another person, there is no deceit involved, no subterfuge or associated feelings of guilt or betrayal. The experience can have no effect whatsoever on the deep and unconditional love that one has for one's life-partner.'
'But people can make a mistake, surely? They may realise that they married the wrong person?'
'Mistakes are only possible if the false self is involved.  Marriage unions in Lemuria are not ego-based. These 'affairs', as you call them, are uncommon here because they are unnecessary. However, occasionally, married people will meet strangers and find that they have a strong attraction to them, which is usually based on a mutual relationship in a former life. Both parties will be aware of this, so the sexual encounter is a natural response to this attraction. If anything, this access to abundance creates an even stronger bond between the spouses of the married couple.'
I asked Zol about the procedure involved in giving birth in Lemuria. We had recently been receiving correspondence from maternity hospitals at the QSA in connection with the necessity to upgrade facilities, so I thought I might learn something new I could recommend to the Government.  Little did I expect what I was about to hear!
'For birth to take place,' he told me, 'it is a conscious outcome, not only for the parents but for the community as a whole. It has to be unanimous.  Of course, the child's soul would also need to ask for permission to become part of the community.'
'Oh. I see. How does that happen?'
'Very simple. We listen.'
'You listen.'                                                                                                       
'Anybody can get in touch with the implicate order. You just have to believe it.'
'Of course.'
'Birth is a very serious commitment for the couple who might spend a long time together in spiritual realignment. First, they empty themselves of all ego by going within, so that they can be a pure vessel for the new life form. The vibrational frequencies of the couple need to match energetically; otherwise they will not go through with the birth. When the frequencies match, they use sound to tone the child into being, focusing on the energy of love.'
Our own clinical, epidural-assisted births under dazzling lights sprang to mind.
'Lots of people help,' Zol continued. 'The focus is communal. In fact, the child is now a communal responsibility, with parents having a key role, of course, in overseeing its development.'
'No chance, then, of a child being born into a dysfunctional family like mine? Just kidding. Or maybe not!  Ha-ha. So, one is never born unwanted in Lemuria? Everybody starts out with equal opportunities, right?'
'That is correct.'
'It reminds me a bit of the old primitive, tribal societies. They all chipped in to welcome the new Earthling.  No clinical or professional interference. Everything jived with nature.'
'Indeed, Jordan, our model is based on the primitive model, as you call it, which in turn, is based on love.'                                 

# 23 next week! Catch up on:            

Saturday, 19 October 2019


We stopped at a tall, circular building made of coloured glass. There was an air of festivity about it, music and vibrant colours everywhere. This was the House of Councils, the equivalent of our Government Buildings. A Council might make decisions there, affecting the whole group. Anyone could call a meeting which would continue until a decision was arrived at. Each community had its own representative on the Council. There was no leader, no power struggles. Even though many of them were scientists, they were trained in the Temples. Science and spirituality were no different in Lemuria.
Set back on a huge meadow with large wild flowers ahead of us was a towering concert hall with a golden dome. We walked up the path, lined on both sides with exotic-looking, multi-coloured wild flowers.  The musicians were playing on spectacular-looking instruments which, I regret to report, due to the complexity of design, are simply impossible to describe. And how can I possibly describe the music, as I wasn't listening to it with my ears?  It felt as if every cell in my body was reverberating to the deep, echoing sounds, cascading like warm light within me. Dancers wearing silky, transparent clothes, each a different colour of the rainbow, glided like seabirds across the floor. In the background, with the choir, the lead singer had begun her song in that haunting, ancient language Solari sang on the balcony that morning.  I think I just wanted to burst into tears, float up into the golden dome and transform my body into sound itself, into formlessness, into all the golden, melancholic sounds around me.  
The Master was waiting for us at the tall, shining, solid gold gates of the Temple as we arrived. He greeted me with a hug as if I were his long-lost son. Entering the Temple, I saw a huge mosaic of a square grid, like a chessboard, each square made up of a block of six straight and broken lines, the straight lines in dazzling silver, the broken lines in lapis lazuli. 
Inside, pillars of golden and multi-coloured light shone brightly through the crystal walls. The Master explained, telepathically, that the changing colours would be absorbed by the patient, as the healers sang his or her name. The Temple was exclusively a place of healing and a source of energy. Xendo and Solari bowed to the Master and left the two of us two to chat.
'When you change your belief, you change your reality,' the Master began.  'Our ancestors taught you this in Atlantis before the Great Flood, before the Fall. Sadly, you went off-course and did the opposite of what they taught you.'
'The choice to leave Paradise was our own, I'm afraid.'
'I am happy that you understand that, Jordan. To see is to believe, your scientists argue. Our ancestors taught you the opposite. To believe is to see. Then your religions distorted the true nature of belief.  When you trust, you accept, you do not hold onto any inner resistance, because you know that everything happens for a reason. You are what you believe; you experience what you believe. Everything is a mirror of consciousness.'
'How can we be sure of this?'
'If the belief is not yours, if it belongs to someone else, it will not feel right. Shift to the reality you want. Otherwise, you will surely get the reality you don't want.  Do you want to change your world? You can't. You can only allow it to be as it is and thus enable change to happen. Every piece of the hologram reflects the hologram. Change the piece and you change the hologram.'
'By shifting to another reality that matches the vibrational state you've changed to.'
'Like tuning into a radio station!'
'Yes. What you seek is seeking you. Allow the totality to do the tuning. That's how you follow your joy.'
'What if there's nothing to be joyful about? That would be the case for most people of my acquaintance! Ha-ha!'
'They won't find joy anywhere outside of them, not in the shops, the promotions, the holidays, the honeymoons.  Looking for joy leads only to sorrow. Our children discover how to reveal the joy that is already within them.'      

# 22 next week! Catch up on: