They say there are two types of people in the world,
those who say that there are two types of people in the world and those who
In numerology, there are three: those who believe in
numerology (Y); those who don't (N); and then there are the fence-sitters (Y/N).
Why am I on the fence?
Because of the Golden Ratio, the Fibonacci Sequence,
Sacred Geometry... Never heard of these concepts? Look them up when you have a moment. You will
be amazed!!
In ancient times, numbers weren't just numbers; they
had an energy, a character and a potential all of their own.
Moulded by the mass-hypnosis of our our 19th century
model of education and left-brain thinking and behaviour, our culture in the
(industrially) developed world of the 21st century has thrown the baby out with
the bathwater. We need hard evidence for everything, even though scientists can't
tell us what reality is. They don't even know what consciousness is and they
cannot explain how we experience the world around us.
And yet we continue to believe in the superstition of materialism!
That's why I'm firmly on the fence when it comes to a
belief in numerology.
People interested in numerology like to ask the
question, what number are you? Your personal number is simply derived from
your birth date, although I'm told that numerologists have numerous other ways
of tapping into Mother Nature's secrets using numbers.
You can easily calculate your personal number and
how it seems to determine the pattern of your life. You simply add the numbers
of your date of birth, i.e. the day, the month and the year, until you
eventually arrive at a single-digit number only. The number can only be from 1
to 9.
example, if you were born on the sixth of November, 1987, (06.11.1987), here's how you get your number:
6 +1+1 +1+9+8+7 = 33...3+3 = 6. Your number is 6!
Or if you were born on 10th February, 1989,
1+0+2 +1+9+8+9 = 30...3+0 = 3. Your number is 3!
OK, I hear you say. So I'm a 6 or a 3. What's that supposed to mean?
Ah! I have your interest! You must be a fence-sitter
like me! Check it out; you have nothing to lose but your chains!
And if you ever fall off the fence, let's hope you
fall into the warm, expansive embrace of the Y rather than onto the sharp,
angular elbow of the N !
An bhfuil aon bhrí le m'uimhir ghutháin?