Welcome to my weekly blog, Friday
Here's a little story to follow up on last week's
Friday Feelings...
are not your reflection, but your reflection is clearly you.
Some years ago in Hawaii, a psychiatric hospital on
the island also served as a kind of a prison for the criminally insane. Doctors
and nurses were unable to work on that ward for very long because it was so
disturbing and the patients were apparently beyond recovery.
Eventually, in desperation, the hospital employed a local
therapist who decided to use his own treatment: no electric shock therapy, no
drug therapy and most surprisingly of all, no psychotherapy of any kind; no 1:1 sessions with the patients.
So what was he doing there?
He simply studied the file of each individual
Gradually, their mental and emotional health began
to improve. In fact, in less than four years, each and every patient was well
enough to be released and the ward was closed!
What was the secret?
'Everything in your life is a program,' said the
healer. 'I erase the program.'
He could feel the problems from their files. He
noted what he felt and 'cleaned' what he felt and as he did, the patient in
question got better.
It's called Ho'oponopono.
How was this possible? we may ask. The healer is the
healer is the healer! He is not the patient! Of course he isn't. That's true. He is not
the patient.
After all, you are not your
your reflection is clearly you.
This, I believe, is what Gandhi meant when he said, Be the change...
All healing is spiritual. And you and your
reflection are one.
Well, that's my feeling anyway.
What do YOU think?
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