Saturday, 15 February 2014



Were you to appear, were I to approach you on a road,
Or in a field, or in a fog, on an empty beach, me and the dog,
Were you to return or, be returned, should I say,
Deep in amnesia, your past, your memories, erased,
Lost footage in life’s projection room, burnt or bleached,
The dangling sprockets spliced hastily to the reel,
Would you turn away, unsmilingly,  
                                    As Lazarus did, or so they say,
                                    Resentful, maybe, at being returned?

Were I to find you in a street, window shopping,
Checking your reflection in the glass,
The sudden image of a man at your shoulder,
Smiling at your smiling face in the window,
Would you turn around, respond, reveal, without a sound,
Unreal, my love, we’re all unreal, our memories are
Reflections of reflections; let them go…
                                    Reflections are all that we are,
                                    Reflections of all that we are?

from Be in Me

Gregory Rosenstock

e-books by Greg


You are the openness. It is only in waiting without waiting that you become open to the openness. In the end, openness is what it is open to; waiting is what it is waiting for. That is all.


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