For the next while, I'd like to divide the blog into two parts:
a) What's going on, and b) What goes on. What's going on has to do with the ever-changing illusion we call life; what goes on has to do with that which does not change.
For the next few blogs, allow me to indulge myself by contributing a short poem to the first part and - thanks to all the great teachers and scientists of our times - an illuminating thought to the second part!
Here goes!
Wa s
it the weeds that grew out of the gra ves?
Or the rabbit’s foot nailed
to the gate?
Or the skull of the dog on
the roa d?
Or the sun-pa rched pump on the pa th?
Or the a ba ndoned nest in the pump?
Or the bones of the a ba ndoned
bird in the nest?
Or all of that, or what? What
was it a t a ll
Tha t
ca used a ll
the tear-fall in the field?
Ah, ha d
I but known why,
Sudden a s
the silence in the mea dowla rk’s song,
Raising your eyes to the sky
you would print
On the silkscreen of your
The bla ck
silhouette of a hawk, sprea dea gled
a ga inst
the blue,
Stock-still in expecta tion of some sma ll
a nima l
To bolt a nd tumble for a ll
time through hot confusion
Into the bone-coloured mea dows behind the eyes!
“All know that the drop merges into the ocean, but few know that the ocean merges into the drop.”
Kabir (This quotation is also attributed to great mystic poet, Rumi - but no doubt both would agree that it comes from the same Source in any case!...)